Married 1967. Lived in Texas for 4 years while my husband was in the Air Force.
Moved to Kenosha for 2 years and worked at Jockey.
Moved to Quad Ciy area of Illinois where our son was born.
Went back to college working toward accounting degree.
Moved to Homer Glen, Illnois for 6 years with husband's job transfer and finished my accounting degree. I worked for Union Oil refinery.
Another job transfer brought us back to kenosha area. We built our home in Racine in 1993. I worked for S.C. Johnson and finished my career at Johnson Bank in the commercial loan department. In 2001 husband's job took us to Charlotte N.C. For 2 years, then back to Racine. Son and his family live in Sussex, Wi. Have 2 beautiful grand kids, Doolin 7 and Darby 4.