In Memory

Lupi Tigerina

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03/09/14 01:49 PM #1    

Wanda R. Burch (Hillmer)

I think Lupe died in November 1972, but I don't know where.  I thought he died in Viet Nam, but his name is not listed on the Wall.  Did an on-line search but the above date is all I could find.

We went to Jefferson Elementary together and I have nothing but good memories of Lupe.

03/10/14 10:59 AM #2    

Alan E. Bella

Wanda, Lupi died in a traffic accident.   At the time he was working for either the FBI or a state security agency, maybe even the ATF.  Don't remember if he was on duty or not.  From what I remember the accident was under questionable cirrcumstances.


03/10/14 06:04 PM #3    

Wayne Walker

All I remember is that Lupi was a great trumpet player and a great person. We were in the Bradford band from

1962-1964 at graduation. Felt bad at his passing since he was so young.  RIP                                Wayne Walker

03/10/14 08:52 PM #4    

Janice Kober (Goeman)

Had 3rd& 4 the year Latin with Lupi, really enjoyed the classes and getting to know him.  so sad to hear he passed.  a gifted life cut short.

03/11/14 12:44 PM #5    

Wanda R. Burch (Hillmer)

Thanks for the update on Lupi.  After reading your comments, I remembered that he was doing some sort of government work.  So sad that such a nice person did not have a long life.

07/12/24 05:15 PM #6    

Wayne Walker

If I remember correctly, Lupi died in a truck accident in the Milwaukee area. He was one of the first of
our class to pass away. Great trumpet player.
Fellow band member, Wayne Walker

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